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发布时间:2024-10-22 01:02:01

本文摘要:When it comes to space, theres a problem with our human drive to go all the places and see all the things. A big problem. Its, well, space.一提及太空,人类想要去所有地方看所有事物的性欲就不会遇上一个问题,而且是个大问题,那就是“太空”。

When it comes to space, theres a problem with our human drive to go all the places and see all the things. A big problem. Its, well, space.一提及太空,人类想要去所有地方看所有事物的性欲就不会遇上一个问题,而且是个大问题,那就是“太空”。Its way too big. Even travelling at the maximum speed the Universe allows, it would take us years to reach our nearest neighbouring star.太空过于大了,即使以宇宙容许的最慢速度行经,我们也要花上几年时间才能抵达离我们最近的恒星。

But another human drive is finding solutions to big problems. And thats what NASA engineer David Burns has been doing in his spare time.但人类的另一个性欲是寻找解决问题大问题的办法,NASA工程师David Burns就仍然利用业余时间研究这个。Hes produced an engine concept that, he says, could theoretically accelerate to 99 percent of the speed of light - all without using propellant.他明确提出了一个引擎概念,他说道理论上可以加快到光速的99%,而且几乎不必推进剂。

Hes posted it to the NASA Technical Reports Server under the heading Helical Engine, and, on paper, it works by exploiting the way mass can change at relativistic speeds - those close to the speed of light in a vacuum. It has not yet been reviewed by an expert.他将其公开发表在NASA技术报告服务器上,标题是“螺旋引擎”。理论上来说它的工作原理是利用相对论性速度(即与真空中光速相似的速度)下质量变化的方式。至今还没专家回应作出评论。

Understandably this paper has caused buzz approaching levels seen in the early days of the EM Drive. And yes, even some headlines claiming the engine could violate the laws of physics.可以解读的是这个论文早已引起注目,其热度可以相媲美无燃料引擎早期的关注度。甚至有些新闻声称该引擎有可能“违背物理定律”。But while this concept is fascinating, its definitely not going to break physics anytime soon.虽然这个概念很更有人,但短期内意味著会超越物理规律。As a thought experiment to explain his concept, Burns describes a box with a weight inside, threaded on a line, with a spring at each end bouncing the weight back and forth.Burns利用一个思维实验说明他的概念,他叙述说道一个盒子里面有一个重物,穿着在一条线上,两端用弹簧往返摇动重物。

In a vacuum - such as space - the effect of this would be to wiggle the entire box, with the weight seeming to stand still, like a gif stabilised around the weight.在真空状态,比如太空中,这样做到的结果是整个盒子都会一动,重物或许静止不动,就像摆放在重物周围的动图。Overall, the box would stay wiggling in the same spot - but if the mass of the weight were to increase in only one direction, it would generate a greater push in that direction, and therefore thrust.总的来说,这个盒子不会在同一个地方转动,但如果重物质量只向一个方向减少,那个方向推动力更大,因而产生发动机。



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